Attorney / Colleen R. Duncan

Colleen R. Duncan is a shareholder of the firm in the Omaha office. Ms. Duncan represents issuers and underwriters in public finance transactions, and provides counsel on securities law structuring, compliance and disclosure matters. Prior to joining the firm, Ms. Duncan’s practice focused on corporate securities, including regulatory reporting and compliance, and as counsel in debt and equity offerings. Ms. Duncan received her J.D. (cum laude) from American University Washington College of Law where she served as a Note-and-Comment Editor of the Administrative Law Review. She received a B.A. (cum laude) from American University.
- B.A. (cum laude), American University, 2004
- J.D. (cum laude), American University, 2008
- Airport Facilities
- Water, Sewer & Gas Utilities
- K-12 Education
- Higher Education
- Healthcare & Long-Term Care
- Other Nonprofit Facilities
- Public Power
- Bond Counsel
- Disclosure Counsel
- Underwriter’s Counsel
- Tax Counsel
- Continuing Disclosure Compliance
- Direct Lending Counsel
2120 S. 72nd Street
Suite 1000
Omaha, Nebraska 68124
(402) 991-9450 MAIN
(402) 991-9455 FAX